Welcome to
FreeStyle Media
Let the world hear you.
FreeStyle Media is here to take the pressure off your back. You know what you are good at, and we believe that you should spend your time doing what matters most to you. If its making music, running a non-profit, or growing your small business, keeping up a constant flow of content for your audience is a challenge.
We will work with you to become a true part of your process and guide your vision into reality. We offer a diverse suite of services to meet your media needs. Ranging from music production to marketing strategy, FreeStyle Media will pave the road for you to keep moving forward.
Sounding good is at our core. We started FreeStyle Media to make music, and we will always love sitting at a console watching the waveforms roll by. With over 30 years of combined experience in the music industry, we can shepherd whatever your are wanting to record through the entire production process. If you are trying to find the right way to express your sound, or you have everything charted out, we are able to capture your work of art and get playing through your fans headphones. We understand that musicians don’t come walking in with an attaché case of $100s, so we offer flat rate options to ensure you don’t have to compromise your music. Let us make your earworm a reality.
Improving Education - iFellowship
Video is king. For the past decade (or more), video is a must have for any business, non-profit, or event. 2020 only made this more accurate with the wide spread push into virtual events and remote working. Any company that didn’t already have a robust library of video assets is hustling to get one now. FreeStyle Media excels in producing, directing, filming, and editing videos of all lengths. Our rapidly growing list of clients and over 150+ completed videos is a clear testament to the growing demand. We create our videos with a simple rule: On time, under budget, better than you expected.
The Journey Home 2021 12-hr Live Stream
Live streaming has come miles in the last 5 years, offering organizations a powerful way to connect with disparate stakeholders in a rich and meaningful way. FreeStyle Media can produce and direct a live stream of any scale for your organization, delivering a quality experience for all viewers. On top of that, we are able to cut down and edit your live streams turning one day of production into an extensive library of evergreen content.
Our past clients have loved working with us and are itching to get in front of the microphone again. Share their experience by partnering with us today!
“I have had the privilege of working with Winston Philip for the past 20 years on projects from New York to LA…
…His brilliance at combining a through[sic] knowledge of the latest technology with an unparalleled sense of artistry produced a final product that was far greater than the sum of the individual parts...
...Winston Philip has my highest recommendation.
E. Sherwin Mackintosh”
At FreeStyle Media, our team is here to ensure your success.
Winston Philip is a veteran engineer, with over 27 years of experience working with both musicians and businesses. Having worked at BANG Music NYC, Audio Works, and Version2, he has a wide range of expertise and a diverse portfolio. Beyond the world of music, Winston has extensive experience in the non-profit world, managing complex data systems and growing vital services for communities in need. Under his command, FreeStyle is able to work across any genre and ensure that every product meets our client's expectations.
Joshua Tohn is a jack-of-all-trades media producer. Having already founded and managed a recording studio and record label, Josh is well versed in music production and music industry strategy. With several years of marketing experience, Josh has worked in every aspect of a marketing plan, from creative conceptualization to actual execution and distribution. He has also directed, produced, filmed, and edited over 150 videos for non-profits, large businesses, and tech start-ups. At any point in time, you can find him listening to the Foo Fighters, Paolo Nutini, or JHFLY.